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  • Elizabeth Ahearn
  • Elizabeth Ahearn


    Elizabeth Lowe Ahearn is a Professor of Dance at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland in the Center for Dance, Music and Theatre. A dancer, choreographer, Pilates instructor, and educator, she earned her B.F.A. and M.F.A. from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts under the direction of Lawrence Rhodes. President of the American College Dance Association, she has served on the Association’s Executive Board as Vice President for Policies and Procedures and has served as both Chair and Dance Program Coordinator of the Dance Department at Goucher and on the faculties of the University of Washington and Carver Center for Arts and Technology. Originally from Oklahoma, her early dance training was with Yvonne Chouteau, Joy Feldman, Conrad Ludlow, Bojan Spassoff, and Stephanie Wolf and continued her studies in New York with Bettijane Sills, Rachel List, June Finch, Valmai Stretton, Gus Solomons Jr., Linda Tarnay, and Rosanna Seravalli. Ahearn has performed with the Metropolitan Ballet Company under the direction of Conrad Ludlow and Joy Feldman, Ballet Oklahoma under the direction of Edward Villella and Bojan Spassoff, The Second Avenue Dance Company in New York City, Kinetics Dance Theatre, Surge Dance Company of Baltimore, and Ordinary/Extraordinary Dance Theatre. Her repertory has included experimental, contemporary, historical, and classical works by Agnes de Mille, June Finch, Robert Gladstein, Eleanor King, Daniel Levans, Conrad Ludlow, Doris Humphrey, Mark Morris, Bill T. Jones, Jan Van Dyke, Mel Wong, and Arnie Zane, and her own work has been presented nationally and internationally. Elizabeth received her Pilates Teacher Certification in 1989 from the Pilates Studio under the tutelage of Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Mejia Santo and her Progressing Ballet Technique Teaching Certification in 2019 from Marie Walton-Mahon.

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    Research, Scholarship, Creative Work in Progress

    Ongoing creative work for the Goucher Repertory Dance Company, Inertia Dance Company, colleges, and universities.

    “Balanchine’s Balustrade: Impressions of a Forgotten Ballet.”


    Ahearn, Elizabeth Lowe, et al. “Some Effects of Supplemental Pilates Training on the Posture, Strength, and Flexibility of Dancers 17 to 22 Years of Age.” Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, vol. 22, no. 4, 2018, pp. 192–202., doi:10.12678/1089-313X.22.4.

    Voices of Classical Pilates. Editors: Peter Fiasca, Amy Bergensen, and Suzanne Diffine. Contributed chapter entitled “Pilates: Its Place in Education.” ISBN: 978-0-615-67238-0“

    Introduction to the Pilates Mat.” (DVD) Online resource for teachers through Safari Montage.

    “The Pilates Method and Ballet Technique – Applications in the Dance Studio.” Journal of Dance Education, Volume 6, Number 3. September 2006.

    Magnet School Curriculum, Baltimore County Public Schools.

    “The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning.” World Book Encyclopedia. Article for the CD-ROM and Online editions.

    Exhibits or Performances

    Recent choreographic work

    Lux Aurumque. Music: Kevin Keller. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    In the Grey. Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Eventide. Music: Antonio Vivaldi. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Two Twelve. Music: Philip Glass. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Vivaldi Recomposed (Mvt. 1-2). Music: Max Richter. Premiere: Baltimore, M.

    Bach Concerto. Music: Johann Sebastian Bach. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    The Order Within. Music: Joby Talbot and Kevin Keller. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    El Duende de Andalusia. Music: Rodrigo y Gabriela. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Emergent. Music: Steve Reich. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Richter Recomposed. Music: Max Richter. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Bohemia Rag. Music: Joseph Lamb. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Dvorak Dances. Music: Antonio Dvorak. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Triptych.  Music: Isaure Equilbey, Paulin Bundgen, Max Richter. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Alone, Yet Not Alone. Music: Zoë Keating and David Lang. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Landscapes for Figures. Music: Louisa Fuller and Zoë Keating. Premiere: College Station, TX.

    Alleged Dances: Chapters I-III. Music: John Adams. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Vivaldi Concerto. Music: Antonio Vivaldi. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    Dyads. Music: Zoë Keating. Premiere: Baltimore, MD.

    External Awards, Honors, Grants

    In the Grey selected by adjudication for Gala Performance at the Regional High School Dance Festival. Norfolk, VA. 2019

    Recipient of the MDEA Dance Teacher of the Year Award for Post-Secondary Education. 2017

    Emergent selected by adjudication to represent Carver Center for Arts and Technology at the National High School Dance Festival. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015

    Recipient of Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award in Dance: Choreography. 2014

    Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award in Dance: Choreography. 2014

    Who’s Who in America. 2008-2014.

    Who’s Who in North American Education. 2012.

    Emergent selected by adjudication. The National High School Dance Festival. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015.

    Who’s Who of American Women. 2006-2010.

    Now and Again selected by adjudication. The 8th Regional High School Dance Festival. Norfolk, VA. 2009.

    Who’s Who in Dance. 2008

    Mountain Dew selected by adjudication. The 5th Regional High School Dance Festival. Baltimore, MD. 2002.

    Three Divertimenti selected by adjudication. The National High School Dance Festival’s Third Regional High School Dance Festival. Baltimore, MD. 1999.

    Concerto in B selected by adjudication. The National High School Dance Festival. Miami, FL. 1998.

    Schon Rosmarin selected by adjudication. The Eastern Regional High School Dance Festival Gala Performance. Baltimore, MD. 1997.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    “Some Effects of Supplemental Pilates Training on the Posture, Strength, and Flexibility of Dancers  Aged 17-22 Years” American Physical Therapy Association Conference. Washington, 2019.

    6th Annual Somatic Dance Conference. Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Geneva, NY. “The Effects of Pilates on Alignment of Dancers Ages 17-22.” 2018.

    International Association for Dance Medicine & Science 27th Annual Conference. Houston, TX. “The Effects of Pilates Training on the Alignment of The Pelvis in Dancers Ages 17-25” Research in collaboration with Amanda Green, DPT, COMT, and Andrea Lasner, MSPT at John’s Hopkins Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  2017

    Maryland Dance Education Association Conference. Towson University. Presenter. 2016.

    The CORPS de Ballet’s 16th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. “Balanchine’s Balustrade: Impressions of a Forgotten Ballet.” 2014.

    The CORPS de Ballet’s 15th Annual Conference, Paris, France. “The Benefits of Pilates for Ballet Dancers and Its Application in Higher Education.” 2013.

    “The Effects of Pilates on Pelvic Alignment in Dancers Ages 17-25” Research in collaboration with Amanda Green, DPT, COMT, and Andrea Lasner, MSPT at John’s Hopkins Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Presented at the Pilates Method Alliance 16th Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. 2016

    Dyads. Presented at The CORPS de Ballet’s 17th Annual Conference, Towson, MD. 2015.

    “Balanchine’s Balustrade: Impressions of a Forgotten Ballet.” Presented at The CORPS de Ballet’s 16th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. 2014.

    “The Benefits of Pilates for Ballet Dancers and Its Application in Higher Education.” The CORPS de Ballet’s 15th Annual Conference, Paris, France. 2013.

    “The Pilates Method: Applications in the Dance Studio and Beyond.” MAHPERD Convention. Baltimore, MD. 2007.

    Invited Talks

    Guest teaching: Paul Taylor Modern Dance Intensive, Community College Baltimore County, Elon University, Shenandoah Conservatory, Maryland School of Ballet, Carver Center for Arts and Technology, Texas A&M, Elon University, University of Central Oklahoma, Virginia School for the Arts, Grupo de Danca da Almada

    Master classes at American College Dance Conferences including Montclair State University, West Virginia University, Towson University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Texas A&M, Elon University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Radford University, West Virginia Wesleyen University, Coker College, James Madison University, Slippery Rock University, Hollins College, Smith College, Weber State University, and more.

    Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance. Texas A&M University.

    Huffines Sports Medicine Podcast. Podcast. 2014.

    Dance Educators Training Institute. University of Maryland Baltimore County. 2014.

    Dance Department Towson University. 2014.

    Dance Educators Training Institute. University of Maryland Baltimore County. 2013.

    Charles Theatre. Cinema Sundays Presenter for the film “First Position. Baltimore, MD. 2012.

    Pilates Arena Conference. Rome, Italy. 2010.

    Baltimore County Public Schools Professional Development. Baltimore, MD. 2010.

    Third Annual Pilates Regional Continuing Education Conference. American Dance Institute. Rockville, MD. 2006.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Academic or Professional Associations

    American College Dance Association

    National Dance Education Association

    Maryland Dance Educators Association

    International Association of Dance Medicine and Science

    World Dance Alliance

    Corps de Ballet International, Inc.

    National Dance Association

    The Pilates Union

    Congress on Research in Dance (CORD)

    Other Professional or Scholarly Activity

    Elizabeth Lowe Ahearn has a long history of service to the American College Dance Association (ACDA). As President-Elect she has served on the national board in many capacities including Vice President for Policies and Procedures, Vice President for Regional Planning, Regional Director of the Mid-Atlantic Region, and as a member of the National Board of Directors. She is a regular external reviewer and outside evaluator for colleges and universities, a master teacher, and has served as a guest artist in residence at a number of institutions including the University of Central Oklahoma, Texas A&M, and Carver Center for Arts and Technology. She has also been a Paper Reviewer for Dance Chronicle and the Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. Sought after as an expert in Pilates and Dance Education, her interviews can be found in Dance Magazine, Backstage Magazine, Upscale Magazine, and Pointe Magazine. Elizabeth recently served as Chair of Goucher’s Budget and Planning Committee and has served on the Faculty Executive Counsel, the Board of Trustees Finance Committee, the Fall Opening Task Force Committee, and the Health and Safety Committee.